Monday, September 21, 2009

An interview with Wired!

So Jonathan Liu over on GeekDad was intrigued enough about this documentary thing want to find out more. And boy, did HE get an earful! :)

Lorien Green: Geeky Mom And Documentary Filmmaker is “Going Cardboard”
Lorien Green is a GeekMom: she’s got two young kids and her geek credentials include meeting her husband through Magic: the Gathering and her love of “geekumentaries” like “King of Kong.” Plus, she’s a sucker for zombies. She decided to combine her love of board games with her love of documentaries and is currently making “Going Cardboard,” a “geekumentary” about board games and the people who love them.

I did an e-mail interview with Lorien about “Going Cardboard,” board games, and her desire to be a Cylon. I also have the audio of a follow-up phone interview, where we talk more about board games, zombies, and juggling a full-time job, parenting, and shooting a documentary. Listen to it here.

You know, I never really thought of myself as a GeekMom, but when HE says it, it sounds kinda cool! I mean, I guess a Mom who makes her kids sing Frodo of the Nine Fingers as T-Pain...or doesn't really have to MAKE them...which is even more incriminating...


  1. This is awesome news! Glad to hear everything is going great. Can't wait to see the final product.

    Travis R

  2. I too cannot wait to see the final product! Will you be at BGG.con interviewing (or just gaming)? I sent an email to that effect (with more specific questions and info) to - I wonder who that will end up going to...

    - Seth

  3. Of course you're a GeekMom. Duh. You're a huge geek who's a mom. As I'm a GeekDad, but for some reason no one's terribly interested in GeekDads... not sure why...

  4. Heya Seth. That email goes to me! :) I don't know if I'll be able to hit BGG.con, but if I can, I absolutely will.
